White Diamond Lemon arrak

    If you enjoy White Diamond Arrak, you’re in good company. It’s one of the most popular spirits in Sri Lanka and is considered the original, and perhaps the best. Simple and delicious, many people prefer White Diamond to comparable vodkas, given the former is far less expensive.

    What if you wanted White Diamond with a little difference? We give you White Diamond Lemon, the original but with a lemon twist. We use the best in neutral alcohol spirit and pure water to ensure the finest taste in arrak, and for the lemon we add essence of the fruit that adds to the overall taste.

    The tasting notes of White Diamond Lemon are as per usual – that gorgeous experience that many people say reminds them of a lightly flavoured vodka – but with the added tartness and sharp taste of the lemon essence which really brings out the flavours in White Diamond.

    You can use White Diamond Lemon as a cocktail basis – who doesn’t love to experiment with flavours – and if you’re new to the spirit we recommend you try it first over ice to get a true taste of what is a delicious blend.

    If you do want a mixer, we suggest you keep things simple with a lemonade or soda so that you don’t lose that arrak and lemon flavour that shines through. Arrack lovers will appreciate a gift of this sensibly priced and top-quality spirit, and it’s a perfect addition to your cabinet. Buy now, you will be amazed at the price.

